
Custom Bedding

Can't find the right bedding to suit your decor?  Check out inmod's "Design your own bedding" feature and create the perfect duvet for your bed!  You can choose everything from the type of fabric used to pattern colors. The program even lets you customize a room so you can visualize what it will look like in your space.  They also have a "Design your own pillow" feature too... once your happy with it, just add it to your cart and wait for your custom bedding to arrive!  Pretty cool!



Lonny Magazine

I finally got around to checking out the new Lonny Magazine and I must say, it's AWESOME! Considering its created by former Domino Magazine editors that's not very surprising.  It's an online publication and a few perks come with that... First off, no subscription needed and even more exciting is the ease in which you can navigate through and if you like what you see, just click on an image to be linked to the source's website.  I can't wait for the next issue!